
Putting Sunland on the Map

According to the experts at Wikipedia, Sunland, CA needs additional citations. How can this be? Offbeat Frontier found this disheartening. There are so many great things associated with this fair city.

For example:

The Station Fire last year or …. um…. Pinewood Elementary School (made from real pine wood!)

For instance, did you know that 60 years ago there was a freak tornado that rampaged through Sunland? Of course you didn’t. The weather system was so strong that it lifted cars, houses, and trees right from the ground and most of the debris fell ten miles away (creating what we now call Glendale).

Luckily evidence of this tragedy can be found, particularly near Penrose St.

Cars Falling From Sky

Now used as advertisements for a junkyard. Drivers were minding their own business in 1950 when all of a sudden they were caught in a extreme vortex, flown high above, and landing on poles and other structures. Though convenient for future junkyard sites (the city’s main sources of income) many civilians perished. Their loss is now on display for all to enjoy.

Look it up Wikipedia, I dare you not to encyclopedia this!

Offbeat Frontier would like to point out that this article was not solely written to poke fun at this city. Sunland gets enough of that from Burbank and the rest of the San Fernando Valley.

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